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Call for Papers for the 61 Annual Conference of the JSPE: Cataclysm of Global Economy and Future of Capitalism, October 5 and 6, 2013, at Senshu University, Kanagawa, Japan

Global capitalism has always been viewed as a dynamic and ever-expanding system. However, the dramatic changes in its geographical spread over the past two decades may represent its most significant transformation in a half century. After a period during which the mid-twentieth century international division of labour was cemented and reinforced, a new global division of labour is now being established with the emergence of populous and potentially large developing economies as major players on the world scene. While several emerging economies in different parts of the world are becoming increasingly important, the rise and economic diversification of China and India carry major ramifications because of their sheer size and future potential in terms of directing the course of global economic affairs. In this context, certain questions are become very pressing. What theoretical frameworks best help us to understand the economic rise of China and India? How sustainable is their rise? How will the rise of China and India impact the developed world? Is the present crisis a visible watershed marking the impending decline of Western hegemony? Or are the emerging economies, China and India in particular, simply on a belated crisis trajectory? Will the underlying trends in the transformation of the new global division of labour continue long after the crisis has ended? Are trends emerging in the world economy which presage further crisis?

The JSPE is an interdisciplinary association devoted to the study, development, and application of political economy to social problems. Japan has been an important laboratory for developing and debating ideas about capitalism and its dynamics. On the one hand, many political economists in Japan have chosen to work with diverse approaches to political economy – the French Regulation school, the Cambridge Keynesian models, institutionalist and historical schools, and so on.On the other hand, Japan has given rise to several distinct strands of Marxian political economy such as the Uno School. JSPE has been the largest organization of heterodox economists in Japan since its founding in 1959.Its annual meetings have provided important occasions for debate among diverse points of view. Beginning in October 2001, the JSPE began inviting non-Japanese economists to make presentations and engage in debates at these annual meetings.

(For more information see its homepage:

JSPE invites proposals for the English sessions in the following categories.

English Sessions I: Topics relating to the plenary sessionsuch as:(1) Cataclysm of Global Economyand Future of Capitalism(2) Crises of Global Economies, (3) Industrialization of China and India and Impacts on the World Economy.

English Sessions II: All proposals reflecting the tradition and analytical perspective of JSPE which include (1)Marxian and Heterodox economic theories,(2) regimes of capitalism,(3) economic development and the environment, and (4)gender and inequality.

Submission Procedures and the Deadline:

Proposals should reach the JSPE Committee for International Communication and Exchange ( ) by 18 May 2013 at the latest.

When submitting your proposal, please include:

  1. The title of proposed paper and the category of the session;
  2. Name and academic affiliation;
  3. E-mail and postal address;
  4. An abstract (up to 500 words).
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30 June.

Cost: Attendants will pay their conference fee (6000 yen per person including the conference dinner), as well as their own transportation, accommodation and other personal expenses.

Senshu Universityis located just outside of Tokyo. It is very convenient to visit Tokyo, Yokohama and Kamakura.

Contact: Prof. Nobuharu Yokokawa (Chairman of the JSPE Committee for International Communication and Exchange) E-mail:

Postal Address: c/o Prof. Teruomi Miyazaki, Faculty of Economics, Senshu University, Higashi Mita 2-1-1, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 214-8580 JapanTel: +81(0)449111050

February 21, 2013.

© International Development Economics Associates 2013