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Development Research Conference on "Global Visions and Local Practices" to be held in Stockholm, 22-24 August, 2016.

Deadline for the panelists to submit papers is March 31, 2016.

The Centre of New Developmentalism of the São Paulo School of Economics – Getulio Vargas Foundation – Sao Paulo, Brazil is pleased to invite interested candidates in participating in the 1st New Developmentalism's Workshop– "Theory and Policies for Developing Countries", to be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from 25 to 26 of July 2016. The content of the first day of the Workshop are lectures on the New Developmentalism Theory. The key economic models and the political economy of New Developmentalism will be discussed. There will be lectures on economic development and structural change, the developmental macroeconomics, exchange rate theory, the tendency to the cyclical and chronic overvaluation of the exchange rate, the determination of the industrial equilibrium and on the political economy of either, the developmental state and the maintenance of high interest rates.

The Finance Minister of Brazil, Dr. Nelson Barbosa, will make the keynote speech relating new developmentalism with the present crisis. Prof. Robert Boyer will be the distinguished foreign guest. He will discuss the relation between the theory of Regulation School and the New Developmentalism (both to be confirmed).

The second day will be reserved for the discussion of academic papers dully submitted to the Workshop; they may be either following the line or critical of the New Developmentalism. There will also be a discussion between the theorists of new developmentalism and the foreign guest about the ideas and proposes presented during the course.


The participants will be the ones that submit papers and, if approved, will be the panelists, or just the ones that will register for attendance.

For the panelists the deadline to submit papers is March 31, 2016.

The applicants shall add a short (one page) curriculum vitae, containing maximum academic degree, the institution of maximum academic degree and research interests and most relevant publications (not mandatory). Notification of acceptance will be by April 7, 2016. The Centre is demanding support to provide accommodation for the panelists. The paper should be sent in word and pdf format and must contain in the front page: name, filiation and title of the article.

The best articles will be published in the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy.

For the attendants only the deadline for enrollment will be May 31, 2016.
Panelists and attendants should send e-mails confirming interest to and

There will be a symbolic registration fee of US$25.00 or R$100,00 for all.
The Centre will provide lunch for all participants.

Lecturers and keynote speakers

Keynote speakers:
Nelson Barbosa (Finance Minister of Brazil)
Robert Boyer (L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and Director
of the Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique)

José Luis Oreiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira (Emeritus Professor of FGV and Former Finance
Minister of Brazil)
Marcos Ianoni (Fluminense Federal University)
Nelson Marconi (Professor of EESP-FGV and President of the Brazilian
Keynesian Association)

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February 29, 2016.

© International Development Economics Associates 2016